Rice’s second book in her “Life of Christ” cycle begins during the last winter before Jesus’ baptism in the River Jordan by his cousin, John the Baptist.
Jesus, Yeshua as he is called, is enduring a year of no rain, dusty roads and talk of trouble in Judea.
Those who know him and have heard of his miraculous birth are waiting for a sign of what he will do; and there are some who are growing impatient. Why does he not marry? Why does he continue to work as a common carpenter?
When a beautiful girl is almost stolen from Nazareth by brigands, Yeshua is the first to go to her, and almost causes a catastrophe because he might of touched her. But he finds a way to avert this and helps to arrange the girl’s marriage.
He travels with his family to the River Jordan to meet John; and it is there that his destiny is revealed to him. And after 40 days in the desert and a confrontation with the devil, he is prepared to do his Father’s work.
A beautifully written story about the essence of Christianity; that of compassion and good will towards men.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt by Anne Rice
The book opens with the young Jesus inadvertently killing the bully Eleazer simply by wishing him dead; but then he brings him back to life. Confronted by an angry mob over this incident, Joseph takes Mary, Jesus, and his extended family back to Nazareth.
The journey to the Holy Land is not easy, as King Herod has recently died and his kingdom is in turmoil. The roads are full of Roman soldiers putting down Jewish uprisings. As they enter Jerusalem for Passover, they are caught in a riot in the Temple, and Jesus sees a man impaled on a Roman’s spear. This is a horrific thing for the young Jesus to see, and the image does not leave him.
It is not until the next Passover that Jesus learns, from his half brother James, the full story of the night he was born, and the message the shepherds were given from the angels “… for today, to you, is born in the city of David a Savior: Christ the Lord!” He also learns of the terrible thing that King Herod did once he learned of this.
This book captures Jesus’ compassion, wisdom and also guilt over the things done by others due to his birth. This is very different from what we’re used to from Anne Rice, (remember all the wonderfully angst filled vampires stories she used to write?) but she has done her research well, and it shows in the accurate portrayal of life in the first century. An excellent beginning to a new cycle on Christ the Lord that is continued in Christ the Lord: The Road to Cana.
Souless by Gail Carriger
Carriger’s debut, a combination of paranormal Victorian romance and a comedy of manners is a fast and fun read.
Bluestocking Alexia Tarabotti is a 25 year old spinster who doesn’t quite fit into London society. And it’s not just because she’s half Italian (her swarthy complexion isn’t the sought after pale look), outspoken, and has a rather large nose. She really is something else. Alexia was born without a soul; which gives her the ability to disarm any paranormal creature just by touch.
After Alexia kills a vampire with her specially made parasol at a party, she is confronted by Lord Maccon, the handsome chief investigator of the Bureau of Unnatral Registry (BUR), who just happens to be a werewolf. They dislike each other immensely but agree that this particular vampire attack could be part of something more nefarious.
As they go about their separate investigations, we are introduced to an interesting cast of paranormal characters. Lord Akeldama is a foppish but influential vampire, and one of Alexia’s friends. Then there is the feared Countess Nadasky, the Queen of the London vampire hive, and the Professor Lyall, Lord Maccon’s second in command.
We also meet Alexia’s family; her stoic father, her hysterical mother who cares only for the family’s societal standing, and her two airheaded sisters. We also meet her best friend, Ivy Hisselpenny; whose goal in life appears to be wearing the ugliest hats ever created.
Over the last several months, loner vampires and paranormal creatures have gone missing, and no one can sort our why. As well, in London, a new club for scientists has opened recently called the Hyprocas Club, which has attracted scientists from as far away as the colonies.
An unlikely romance begins between Alexia and Maccon and heats up by degrees, leading them into some shocking situations.
On a visit to Lord Akeldama, on a full moon night, Alexia and Akeldama are kidnapped and imprisioned. Akeldama is taken to become part of a horrific experiment, a fate that Alexia will soon share. With no one to rescue her; since all werewolves are locked up on full moon night, her fate is sealed. Or is it?
This breezy, funny paperback novel is a great combination of steampunk and urban fantasy, and is geared to a young adult audience. This writer is looking forward to the sequel, Changeless, due out on March 30, 2010.
Paranormal Romance,
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Angel Time by Anne Rice
This first in the Songs for the Seraphim series introduces Toby O’Dare. Toby (later called Lucky) is an assassin for the “good guys”, the U.S. government. He was brought up Catholic in New Orleans and once dreamed of becoming a priest. He grew up in a dysfunctional family with an alcoholic mother, an absent father and two younger siblings. It became Toby’s job to hold the family together. His one passion is the lute, a medieval instrument that he excels at playing. He thought he was successful at managing his mother’s alcoholism until he returned from his high school graduation ceremony to find his brother and sister drowned in the bathtub, and his mother dead from slitting her wrists. Overcome by the horror and futility of his efforts, he leaves New Orleans. He remakes himself as a street musician in New York City, which brings him to the notice of Alberto, a restaurant owner who gives him a job as a waiter. When the Russian mob moves in and takes over Alberto’s business, Alberto holes up at Toby’s apartment. To repay Alberto’s kindness, Toby takes it upon himself to clear out the Mob; and he does this with ruthless efficiency; exterminating everyone in sight. After, he tells Alberto what he’s done, Alberto introduces to men who will “… take care of him”. So begins his career as Lucky, a government assassin; where he kills by stealthily applied lethal injections. He is quick, precise, and deadly. Lucky is a man of contradictions, he loves music and beauty but hates blood and violence. But he is a tortured soul who has been contemplating suicide for years. After his latest assassination; he is approached by an angel of the Lord, Malchiah. Malchiah offers him a chance of redemption; if he becomes the earthly agent for the angels, he will attain God’s forgiveness. Lucky accepts and he sent back to 13th century England, where, as Dominican friar Brother Toby, he is to protect a Jewish couple wrongly accused of having murdered their young daughter for her conversion to Christianity. 13th century England was a brutal place, rift with prejudice against the Jews, suspicion and intolerance. 100 years before, a child believed to have been crucified by the Jews was made a Saint, Little St. Hugh, in Lincoln. Now the Dominican Friars want a saint for the town of Norwich, and has contrived a story to achieve this. They assert that Meir and Fluria killed their daughter Lea because she converted to Christianity after visiting a church on Christmas Eve. Lea actually died from a burst appendix; called the Iliac Passion in the 13th century. Because her parents buried her under cover of night, there is no body as evidence. How he accomplishes this task through bravery and faith against severe prejudice and overwhelming odds is a compelling story. This expertly written and vividly imagined tale transports you first into the mind of a contract killer; and then to a unforgiving past where the desires of the venal and powerful cause hardship and heartache for the innocent. You will root for Brother Toby as he skillfully navigates the treacherous path between what is wanted by the avaricious monks, what the superstitious mob believes and what really happened to Lea.
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